The first token that gives you 6 different forms of passive income
Safeplus (SPLUSV2) V2 Contract:
Why invest in SafePlus
How many times have you thought that it was stupid and useless to keep money in the bank at zero interest (actually, paying the account expenses)?
Well it is, just as much as spending it without understanding a minimum of financial management.
In fact, poor people buy liabilities, debts (car, mortgage, things / objects …).
Rich people, on the other hand, use money to generate more money, invest it in assets (income-generating properties, stocks, cryptocurrencies …) and stop trading time for money. It is for this reason that it was born…
SafePlus is a token created to reward holders more, those who keep the token over time, earning not only from its appreciation but also from the passive income it generates.
The economy of this special token (so-called Tokenomics) was built to discourage crypto-traders (thus avoiding price drops and manipulations for the benefit of a few experts) and instead reward those who want to have an automatic medium / long-term income, beyond the same appreciation of the token value!
1. Reflection in BUSD
With Safeplus, you will have reflections (tokens automatically redistributed by purchases or sales) in Busd (Binance’s stable coin) directly in your wallet.
Whenever anyone in the world buys or sells Safeplus, a percentage of Busd will enter your wallet!
2. Reflections in BNB
Directly in your wallet, you will also receive reflections in Bnb, one of the most famous tokens in the entire crypto world!
Whenever anyone in the world buys or sells Safeplus, a percentage of Bnb will also enter your wallet!
3. Staking BNB
You can also stake your Bnb, earning other daily earnings.
4. Staking SAFEPLUS
You will be able to “park” (staking) your Safeplus directly on our Dapp (decentralized application), obtaining daily earnings in Bnb, Busd and Safemoon, thus automatically increasing your earnings and triggering a virtuous circle of reflections.
5. Staking BUSD
You can also stake your Busds on our Dapp, thus obtaining daily earnings and thus automatically increasing your earnings.
Holding a value of at least 2 Bnb in Safeplus, you can access our digital Academy for training in Forex, Stocks, Productivity, Time Management, Personal and Professional Growth for free.
The 3 Plus of SafePlus
what is it
A percentage of the proceeds of the transactions will be kept aside in the form of BNB that will be used for the purchase of SafePlus, so as to increase its volumes when necessary.
Tokens purchased in this way will then be burned to further push the price and lower the amount available making it rarer.
In this way the price and volume will always be sustained, they will be more stable over time ensuring a more homogeneous reflection, and with the burn, SafePlus becomes rarer, with a consequent appreciation of the value of its value.
Green Moon
what is it
A percentage of the proceeds of the transaction will be held in the form of BNB which will be used for MASSIVE purchase of Safeplus, in order to increase volumes if necessary.
Tokens purchased in this way will then be burned to push the price further.
In this way price and volume will always be sustained, they will be more stable over time ensuring a more homogeneous reflection, and with the burn, Safeplus becomes less available, with a consequent increase in value.
Anti-Whale System
what is it
Safeplus’smart contract includes an anti-whale system, which prevents the sale of more than 0.05% of total supply for week, avoiding manipulation by the so-called whales, wallets with large quantities of tokens.
This system will guarantee a more stable price and will protect holders from sudden future collapses, also preventing its appearance.
Marketing / Development
Is the percentage of the buy / sell fee that will be used to finance the marketing and development of the Plus ecosystem projects.
Liquidity Pool
Is the percentage allocated to the Liquidity of PancakeSwap.
Green Moon
BNB Reflections
BUSD Reflections
Our Smart Contract excludes 61,3% of the supply from reflections, thus redistributing more Tokens to the holders.
Token distribution
- Token Name : SafePlus
- Token Supply :
- Token Symbol : SPLUSV2
- Contract Address : 0xf3aef59ea17d3082f368387fff073d5e05874ad9
- Burn before launch (30%)
- Liquidity pool (15%)
- Pre-Private sale (2,1%)
- Private sale (10,7%)
- Pre-sale (20%)
- Dev-Wallets (2% locked for four months)
- Admin, mod and influencer (1,9%)
- Marketing, Developments and Community Giveaways (2%)
- Liquidity blocked for future uses es. listing (16,3%)
How to buy SPLUSV2 with Safepal, Metamask or TrustWallet
Setup your new wallet
Download MetaMask, Safepal or TrustWallet (we don’t “love” Trustwallet for the problems encountered with the Dapps). Be sure to download the wallet from the official websites:
These apps are secure and widely used in the DeFi market. Remember to never share your seed phrase!
Fund your wallet
Purchase BNB or BSC (Binance Smart Chain) to fund your wallet.
You can buy Bnb on Binance.com or Crypto.com and then send it to your wallet.
Visit safeplustoken.app
Click Connect Wallet on the top right corner of the page and select the name of your wallet. This will connect your wallet to Safeplustoken dApp.
Select BNB from the dropdown “From” menu and input your desired amount. Click ‘Select a currency’, enter $SPLUS Contract Address:
Click on the settings button on the top right of Pancakeswap interface. Set slippage to 17% or 18% (or more). Less is better but not enough can make the transaction fail.
Enter the amount you would like to purchase and click SWAP.
Don’t forget to have enough BNB to pay the gas fees for every transaction.
- Development Smart Contract √
- First Audit √
- Domain and social media account √
- Website Launch √
- Presale √
- Design Plus Academy √
- Launch on PancakeSwap √
- Doxing Chief Marketing Officier √
- Advertising campaigns √
- Ads on social media and others platforms √
- Community events √
- Start development Dapp √
- Listing on CoinGecko √
- Website updates √
- Community events, gifts and raffle √
- Marketing campaigns √
- Dapp beta √
- Second Audit
- Logo on TrustWallet and BscScan
- Listing on CoinMarketCap √
- Expansion of marketing and development team
- Partnership
- Release Dapp √
- Doxing with third parties
- Release of the Plus Academy
- Debit card development
- Ecosystem enhancement
More update coming soon
Max Formisano - Academy Content Provider
After 6 work’s years as freelance, in 2003 he founded Max Formisano Training, number 1 company in Italy to learn how to speak in public, to train at excellent levels and to better manage our time and our productivity.
He published several books, including “Go Simple – Simplify your business and free your life”, “Zombies have heavy bottom”, “Public Speaking for everyone”, best sellers “Productivity 300%”, “If only i could” (with the foreword of the american management “guru”, Stephen M.R. Covey) and “K.O. – Knock out the 7 opponents who stand in the way of your goals” (4-handed written with the former boxing world champion Patrizio Oliva).
He created a lot of multimedia courses: from productivity, to public speaking and to train the trainers.
He has been interviewed many times by Repubblica, Sky, Il Giornale, Rai2, il Messaggero, Millionaire, Radio Capital and others.
He stands out for the simplicity and schematization of his public speeches and he created the Simplified Personal Growth®.
For about twenty years he takes advantage of his “special abilities” to assist companies, businessmen and experts to SIMPLIFY their business and their lifestyle: that’s all that matters to him. The philosophy he teaches is: “Identify the Essential and Invalidate the Rest“, for having a more rewarding life and an easier and more profitable business.
He’s called “the trainer of the trainers” because from his expert’s school came out some of the most recognized names in the national field.
He is called “The Simplifier” too, because of his obsession/talent to make more schematic and simpler the strategies he teaches in his live courses and inside the gateway dedicated to marketing: “Max Formisano Elite Club”.
He trains all over Europe (from multinationals like Vodafone, Samsung, Takeda, Gardaland to large companies like Tecnocasa, FonSai, Solvay, Rcs, and to small-medium enterprises).
He makes individual coaching about public speaking, marketing and productivity to celebrities (like starred chef Cannavacciuolo), politicians, sportsmen (like Patrizio Oliva, Alex Bellini…) and businessmen.
We envisage an entire ecosystem where the SafePlus Token can be further enhanced as a utility so that our holders can enjoy even greater benefits than the 6 pluses already mentioned.
For any information contact our Chief Marketing Officer at the email address: cmo@safeplustoken.com